夏休みを利用してハワイで、思いっきり楽しく音楽の勉強をしませんか? 青い空と青い海を満喫しながら、ミュージックキャンプ、夏期講習受けませんか?素敵な夏の思い出作りましょう❣️ 1 クラスは約45分で$100。(海外からの生徒さん) Kama'aina 10%off 何クラスからでも受講できます。 お問い合わせはこちらから
慎太郎君、全日本音楽コンクールでの最優秀賞金賞受賞おめでとうございます❗️㊗️🏆 ハワイに旅行中も毎日真面目に練習通って、立派です。これからの成長、活躍も楽しみにしています。 Shintaro-kun, congratulations on winning the Gold Prize, the top award, at the All-Japan Music Competition! 🎉🏆 Even while traveling in Hawaii, you diligently practiced every day—how admirable. I’m looking forward to your...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
I did it~! I received an award given to teachers who have produced multiple award winners at the Orbifold Gloval Music Festival! I’m so happy ☺️ やりました〜!Orbifold International Music festival から数多く優秀者賞を輩出した講師へ送られる賞をいただきました!嬉しいです☺️
2024 Hawaiʻi State Music Competition
Let’s start lessons for your little ones!
In May of this year, the Hawaii International Music Competition, hosted by Renee's Music Studio, was held. Participants were recruited not only from Hawaii but also from Japan, Korea, and New York. The top selected performers gathered together, and on August 10th, a Winners' Concert & Luncheon event was held at 53 By the Sea, one of Hawaii's most beautiful wedding reception venues. With the deep blue sea as a backdrop, the outstanding performers showcased their talents in piano, violin, and...
open a new parent-child class for preschool children (around ages 1 to 3). By engaging with words and music in a fun and lively environment from an early age, we nurture rich sensitivity and social skills.